
Scarborough College

Volume Vol. 75, Issue 4, 2017
November 17, 2017

Selections from this issue:

  • “The Immortal L.R. Scarborough: A Legacy of Gospel-Centered Service” – The second president of Southwestern Seminary and one of its founding faculty, L.R. Scarborough was the institution’s architect and steward from 1914-1942. Just as he left his mark on Southwestern, with the college now
    bearing his name, so its students will leave their mark on the world as they bring the Gospel to the ends of the earth and impact the Kingdom for eternity.
  • “Igniting a Passion to Rescue the Lost: Special Forces for the Kingdom of God” – A former Georgia State Trooper, Pastor Tim Wheeless is now part of a world quite different from that of law enforcement, but he has found that Gospel ministers are “special forces” of a similar kind.
    He now strives to empower his congregation and join alongside them in rescuing lost souls with the saving message of Jesus.
  • “Purposeful Worship: Learning to Serve God through Song” – Hannah Hodges’ talent for music and singing has always been evident. Now a student in Scarborough College, she is learning
    how to use that talent to honor and serve the Lord.