Download Share Southwestern Journal of Theology Issue The New Atheism Volume Volume 54, No. 1•August 1, 2011 Download Share Editor Malcolm B. Yarnell III Research Professor of Theology at Southwestern Seminary This issue of the Southwestern Journal of Theology is devoted to the topic of the New Atheism. ArticlesShould We Fear That We Are Deluded? Comments on Dawkins’ The God Delusion AuthorJohn B. Howell III The “Tergiversation” of Antony Flew: A Review and Assessment of There Is a God AuthorJohn D. Wilsey Introduction to New Atheism: Apologetics and the Legacy of Alvin Plantinga AuthorJohn Laing How to Debate an Atheist—If You Must AuthorWilliam Dembski Outrageous Quotes by New Atheists The New Atheists: Lessons for Evangelicals AuthorJohn Laing Editorial: The New Atheism AuthorMalcolm B. Yarnell III Book ReviewsSouthern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1859–2009 AuthorJames Leo Garrett Jr. Reading the Bible Intertextually AuthorChed Spellman The Goodly Fellowship of the Prophets: The Achievement of Association in Canon Formation AuthorChed Spellman Magnifying God in Christ: A Summary of New Testament Theology AuthorChed Spellman James AuthorAndrew Bowden The Cradle, the Cross, and the Crown: An Introduction to the New Testament AuthorAlexander Stewart Hebrews AuthorPaul Hoskins Joshua AuthorSteven Ortiz Gospel-Powered Parenting: How the Gospel Shapes and Transforms Parenting AuthorSudi Kate Gliebe Sex and the iWorld: Rethinking Relationship beyond an Age of Individualism AuthorBill Goff The Indelible Image: The Theological and Ethical Thought World of the New Testament. Vol. II. The Collective Witness AuthorBill Goff The Indelible Image: The Theological and Ethical Thought World of the New Testament, Vol. I. The Individual Witnesses AuthorBill Goff Christianity, Climate Change, and Sustainable Living AuthorDae Jung Kim Hermeneutics: An Introduction AuthorJon Wood Whose Community? Which Interpretation? Philosophical Hermeneutics for the Church AuthorJohn B. Howell III Time and Eternity AuthorChad Meeks An Introduction to Nietzsche AuthorSuresh Vythylingam God is Great, God is Good: Why Believing in God Is Reasonable and Responsible AuthorChad Meeks Seminary in Crisis: The Strategic Response of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary to the SBC Controversy AuthorPaige Patterson W.H. Whitsitt: The Man and the Controversy AuthorJason Duesing Baptist Autographs in the John Rylands University Library of Manchester, 1741– 1845 AuthorJason Duesing Andrew Fuller: Model Pastor-Theologian AuthorA. Chadwick Mauldin “The Works of Jonathan Edwards, Volume 26: Catalogues of Books” and “Reading Jonathan Edwards: An Annotated Bibliography in Three Parts, 1729– 2005” AuthorRobert Caldwell Petrus van Mastricht (1630–1706), Reformed Orthodoxy: Method and Piety AuthorS. Mark Hamilton Trinitarian Theology for the Church: Scripture, Community, Worship AuthorDongsun Cho Salvation and Sovereignty: A Molinist Approach AuthorJohn B. Howell III The Message of the Holy Spirit AuthorRonald M Rothenberg Love Wins: A Book about Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of the Every Person Who Ever Lived AuthorTrent Henderson Four Views on Moving beyond the Bible to Theology AuthorMatthew Ward