Artistic Theologian Volume 3
Artistic Theologian
Volume 3, Summer 2015
Editor-in-Chief: John E. Simons
Artistic Theologian connects people and cultivates the sharing of ideas about worship, missions, and discipleship. As well, Artistic Theologian actively seeks to create thoughtful relationships between the academic and practical worlds of artistic ministry, and it is designed to give opportunities for peer-reviewed publication to scholars, students, and practitioners. This third volume also includes a collaborative article from a research and writing team of doctoral students working with their primary professor. The Editorial Board and the School of Church Music at Southwestern are pleased to present the third volume of Artistic Theologian.
The publication of this volume marks an important time of transition in the Ministry Department of the School of Church Music at Southwestern. It has been a privilege to serve as its chair for the last five years and the founding editor of Artistic Theologian. The Minis- try Department will continue to make a strong contribution to our field and prepare students for artistic ministry as I leave for an administrative position at a university in California. As Editor-in-chief, I would like to thank my editorial colleagues, Dr. Scott Aniol and Dr. R. Allen Lott. Dr. Scott Aniol, managing editor, will become the new Editor-in-chief in July of 2015, and the fourth volume of Artistic Theologian will be published in Spring 2016.