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The SBC’s DNA: A missionary’s testimony to the value of the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering

In May of 1845, 327 delegates gathered at the First Baptist Church in Augusta, Ga., for what would be the first meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention. From May 8

Author: Kevin Rodgers
Is This Missions?

The development of communication technology such as the Internet has resulted in a world where we are exposed to so much information from all over the globe. There are certainly

Author: Dean Sieberhagen
How to Preach an Effective Christmas Message

In my 28 years as a pastor, one of my most harrowing and challenging, yet exhilarating, assignments was that of preaching the message of Christmas. How does one even remotely

Author: Matthew McKellar
Keynote Address to the Tennessee Baptist Convention on the Occasion of Its 150th Anniversary

Editor’s note: The following is David S. Dockery’s prepared manuscript for the Nov. 11 keynote address to the 2024 annual meeting of the Tennessee Baptist Convention. The video of the

Author: David S. Dockery
4 Essentials to Build Your Church Budget

Creating an effective church budget can seem daunting, especially for those who do not find the administrative side of ministry easy. As a friend once lamented, “This is not the

Author: Terri Stovall
Why All Christians Need to Study Theology

Why would anybody in their right mind do theological study? I serve at a “theological seminary.” It’s in our name: Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. But how do things like reading assignments

Author: D. Jeffrey Bingham
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Artistic Theologian
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Five Reasons We Worship Corporately

From time to time, I like to ask my fellow worship ministers: Why do people come to church? Why do your church members gather for worship each week? I get

Author: Joshua A. Waggener
Are the categories of transcendence and immanence important considerations for worship planning and design?

Originally published January 10, 2020. Are the categories of transcendence and immanence important considerations for worship planning and design?  The answer is a resounding yes.  Not only are they important,

Author: Charles T. Lewis
Gospel Renewal in Corporate Worship

What are we really doing when we gather for corporate worship each week? For some today, the main purpose for which we gather is evangelism; every service is designed to

Author: Scott Aniol

Luke beautifully weaves four hope-filled canticles (songs) into his first two chapters: Mary’s praise (Magnificat 1:46-55), Zechariah’s Prophecy (Benedictus 1:67-79), the Angels’ song (Gloria in Excelsis Deo 2:14), and Simeon’s

Author: Joseph Crider
The Biblical Mandate to Sing

Why do we sing hymns in Christian worship? Is the singing of hymns optional? Is it something churches do simply because it is an enjoyable to affirm biblical truth that

Author: Scott Aniol
Including Disabled in the Church: More Than a Ramp

Automatic doors, elevators, ramps, and even hearing loops have become common in public buildings in the United States. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) has created and is still creating

Author: C. Trent Broussard
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Southwestern Journal of Theology
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Global Theological Education

Because we are passionate about helping the churches obey the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ, the faculty and staff of the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary are ready and

Author: Malcolm B. Yarnell III | Robert Caldwell | Andrew Streett
Transforming Theological Education

TRANSFORMING THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION1 In 2006 my world fell apart and I had a complete breakdown. While a number of factors contributed to this personal crisis and the anxiety, and depression

Author: Perry Shaw
Should North American Seminaries Become Global? A Case and Some Cautions

Critical readers will immediately notice a glaring ambiguity embedded in this article’s title. They will rightly demand that the author define what is meant by “become global.” Fair enough. Exploration

Author: Ralph E. Enlow Jr
Theological Education and Global Missions

The globally connected world provides both an exciting and daunting prospect for those who think and write about missions and theology. It is exciting in that we have the intersection

Author: Dean Sieberhagen
Cultural Dimensions of Globalization

In Evangelism in the Early Church, Michael Green discusses three pathways that facilitated the spreading of the gospel message in the first century. First, there was the Pax Romana. “As

Author: Daniel Sanchez
Editorial: Global Theological Education

Theological education for the sake of the whole world has long been the heartbeat and mission of the institution known as the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. In 1905, the founding

Author: David S. Dockery | Malcolm B. Yarnell III
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Preaching Source
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Tough Texts: Be…Perfect?

Matthew 5:48 – You therefore must be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect. “There is nothing more discouraging than the Sermon on the Mount; it seems to throw us

Author: Benjamin Bolin
Tough Texts: Can We Lose Our Salvation?

Hebrews 6:1–12 is one of the most difficult passages in the New Testament. There are competing interpretations with no consensus view in sight. None of the interpretive views seems to

Author: Jim Wicker
Tough Texts: Luke 14:25-33

Luke 14:25-33 is at first glance a shocking passage due to the radical requirements of following Jesus. Jesus seems to say that his disciples must hate their families and give

Author: Andrew Streett
Best Practices for Preachers

Every veteran preacher has developed tricks to the trade and best practices over the years. I recently had a young aspiring preacher in my church ask for some advice, and

Author: Keith Collier
Effective Preaching Workshop 2024: Session Notes & Recordings

Session notes and recordings for the 2024 Effective Preaching Workshop are available here:

Author: Matthew McKellar | Keith Collier | André Kirkland | Clay Smith | Chris Osborne
Blessings in Obscurity

A particular man of God served nearly half his life as a missionary on a Sioux reservation in Lake Andes, South Dakota. An exemplar of faithful service to the King,

Author: Bruce Gale
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